
My second day of NME looked like this...

When I arrived at Blue Fin this morning, I was feeling a lot more confident about myself and I felt more confident walking in to the building. I was welcomed by security as if I've been working there for a good while. Using my id badge I gained access to the building straight away with ease, when we reached the ninth floor and got to the office we started on the mail straight away while all of the other editors went to a meeting. The new issue was sent to press today so everything was pretty quiet in the office for the rest of the day, the morning was very relaxed. After around 15 minutes, and we had finished the mail (there was only one sack today), Karen gave us two copies of the new issue - I personally felt really honored that we even got to see the new issue - one of the issues was free for us to keep and the other we had to look through and answer some questions about, really easy stuff like 'What do you think of the magazine?' and 'What three parts do you read every time you have NME' and my personal favourite 'What artists would you like to see more of in the NME?' I wrote quite a few "unknown" artists here. Then we were asked to go through the issue and put post it notes on the parts of the magazine we particularly like and dislike. This way, NME can take feedback from that to try and make the magazine even better than it already is.
   As an avid reader, it didn't take long for me to answer the questions and post-it the parts of the magazine I liked and disliked, I also wrote why I liked them or disliked them because that way I think the reason becomes more understandable. After this I finished typing up the old Joy Division/New Order reviews, half way through this Hamish (one of the features editors) came up to us and asked us how it was going, which I thought was really nice, considering hardly anyone in the office has made an effort to talk to us. We all understand though, they're busy and if they need our help they'll come and ask for it. Upon finishing this, we sent them across to Hamish and went to lunch. When we came back there was literally nothing for us to do, so we sat and read the new NME issue and discussed a lot about the Libertines because that's what this weeks main feature is on. It wasn't until around three o'clockish that Tom Howard himself came up to us and asked us to transcribe some interviews for him. As a budding journalist myself, I find Tom Howard to be a really great music reviewer and would love to be able to sit down with him and pick his brain about what makes a great music review, however, again I understand that he is busy all week so the likelihood I'll be able to do that is very small. Anyway, we each started transcribing the interviews we'd been given. I've been given one with Tom Howard and Rob Harvey, before the interview I knew nothing of Rob Harvey. However I now know that he's involved in a new project called The D.O.T with Mike Skinner and he also featured on The Streets' last album doing some vocals. It's really interesting to listen to the interview rather than just read it. Transcribing, however,  is a lot harder than I could ever imagine. People honestly talk so fast!! Anyway, tomorrow all I know is that I'll be spending all morning transcribing these interviews. I'm really happy with how it's going so far, the only thing I'm a bit disappointed about is the sitting around, not doing anything. I feel like I'm wasting space a little bit, but I wouldn't want to go up to the editors and ask them if there was anything I could do because I know they're busy and if they need us to do anything then they'll come to us. I didn't mind too much today though because it meant I could prepare my questions for my email interview with Swim Deep.

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