I saw The Maccabees again in Brighton 2 days after my birthday which was amazing, they put on a really great show. I was really disappointed because the beautiful and amazing La Shark had supported them on every other date of their tour but not the Brighton show so I still haven't had a chance to see them. I just have my fingers crossed that they'll be playing Reading Festival.
Also at Shout4Music my editor is giving the chance to interview bands aswell now, which for me is such a great opportunity. I just hope I can actually get some done. He's going to try and sort out an interview with Howler when they play in Reading on the 14th of May. If that happens I'll be over the moon, truly. I love that band and would love to know more about them considering Jordan is only a year older than me, it fascinates me that people who are only a year older than me are already doing world tours!
Last Monday (16/4/12) I saw Bombay Bicycle Club with Lucy Rose and Lianna La Havas supporting, the whole show was so beautiful. Both of the supports were amazing, I'm so glad Lucy Rose got to support, I know she's practically in Bombay but the fact she got to support really boosts her career as a solo artist and I love that, I'm still debating whether to go see her in Reading in a few weeks though, I'd really love to but I need to save the money.
Yesterday is what I really want to get on to here. So I know for a fact I want to do journalism when I'm older (although I'm pretty much old enough), I'm not really a fan of political journalism, I mean I don't mind politics but it does get boring. Anyway back to the point yesterday Ed Miliband (leader of the Labour party) came to my college, so firstly not only did I get a chance to film him (weird but more exciting than you think) I also got the chance to sit in on his briefing and Q+A session, I had my questions ready. Until I got told I had the chance to interview him 1 on 1!! I was so excited. Usually this would take a journalist a very long time to build up to something as important as this but my first ever interview and it was with the leader of the opposition! Sadly, because I was the last of the "press" (yes, I was called press for the day. And yes, that did excite me so much I peed a little) to go in there, I only had time for 2 questions. I had some really challenging questions planned but I felt like I should ask more appropriate questions to what he had been talking about earlier on in the day. So I asked him if he would consider introducing more BTEC and NVQ qualifications into sixth forms because society feels that sixth forms lack BTEC options meaning that the people that don't have the confidence or don't feel comfortable moving to college have to do A-Levels that they don't really want to do. My second question was regarding trade unions, for those who don't know the Labour party are basically funded by these trade unions and I think that members, MPs especially have forgotten that. So I asked Ed what he would do if trade unions refused to pay their political funds because they feel that the labour party have turned their back on them. He was so thrown off by this question, he was obviously not expecting it at all. Which was good for me. Luckily the person I was with was aloud to film the short interview with Ed so as soon as I convert it and edit it down I'll put it straight up here for you all to ssee his answers.
The only other interesting thing happening is I'm starting driving lessons tomorrow, I'm excited but nervous so watch out anyone on the roads in and around Reading.
One last thing, I finished the video for Electric Sugar Children. Considering, I think it's actually turned out okay. Share away my friends!
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